We understand that caring for or being a family member of a veteran with mental health problems can be difficult and that partners and families of veterans' face specific challenges.
Service user testimonial
My experience with the service was good, it all went really well. It definitely helped in terms of learning coping skills which has come in handy. And just teaching me how to handle certain situations. I’m finally back at work now as well so that’s been helpful
OpCOMMUNITY is an easily accessible point of contact with a dedicated email and phone number to support the Armed Forces community as a whole.
OpFORTITUDE helps veterans who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness, supporting them either into suitable accommodation, or helping them to maintain their current home.
The Veterans Physical Health and Wellbeing Service. This brings the service in line with other Armed Forces healthcare services provided by the NHS in England
The service helps veterans who are in contact with the justice system by providing emotional and practical support.